Sweet Iron Hackamore Combi Short Arched

Trust Equestrian
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Sweet Iron Hackamore Combi Short Arched - innovative combi hackamore with a sweet iron, arched mouth piece and short shanks. An arched mouthpiece is a straight mouthpiece that is slightly bent. This mouthpiece exerts even pressure on the complete tongue. An arched mouthpiece has a sharper effect than a jointed or elliptical mouthpiece. If the horse needs more freedom of the tongue then there are mouthpieces with various degrees of tongue freedom available: the low port and the medium port.

Sweet Iron Bits:

The sweet iron bits are made of steel and have a recognizable blue color. Due to contact with (air)moisture, Sweet Iron creates a rustfilm on the surface which has a sweet taste. As a result, the bit naturally encourages saliva production, which leads to more chewing activity and more foam will be built up and thus an overall better acceptance of the bit.

The rust process (oxidation) changes the blue colour to a brown-greyish colour, which is the desired effect. After a time of not using the bit, the colour can change to an orange-brown which indicates normal rust that can be easily removed with a wet cloth. 

Sweet Iron bits are great and suitable for every horse. Sweet Iron helps to increase the chewing activity, to produce more saliva and to accept the bit more easily. Next to that, Sweet Iron bits have the most options of different types of mouthpieces, as well as types of bits. Therefore, every horse-rider combination can find their suiting bit with the Sweet Iron technology.

Mode of Action:

When the reins are pulled, the hackamore first acts on the neck, then evenly on the chin and the bridge of the nose. The action takes place via three different points on the horse's head. The Hackamore is usually used without a bit, which is why the tongue is completely relieved with this bridle.

The hackamore must be closed in such a way that there is space for two fingers between the bridge of the nose (not self-supporting nasal bone) and the noseband. The cheek piece is buckled into the upper ring, the reins into the lower ring at the end of the side part. 

If necessary, a bit can also be buckled in with so-called hackamore combination so that all four pressure points on the horse's head can be used. Recommended for horses that have an injury in the mouth or run dissatisfied with a bit or pressure on the tongue. Not suitable for young horses and beginners. With bitless bridles, unilateral rein aids are only possible to a limited extent. The rider should therefore be able to ride his horse through the turn with cross and thigh aids.

Thickness: 16mm

Sizes: 11.5cm or 12.5cm

SKU: E25753


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Combi Hackamore


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