Original with acupressure mats

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Accuhorsemat Original – Happiness is a healthy horse
This acupressure blanket is the first choice to improve your horse's motivation and wellbeing.
The acupressure mats work in a similar way to acupuncture from traditional Chinese medicine. The acupressure points gently stimulate the meridians by applying pressure. The blood circulation is stimulated and muscle tension is released. By releasing the body’s own messenger substances, such as endorphins, the horse’s wellbeing is increased. Regular treatment with the Accuhorsemat helps the horses to regenerate, especially with increased training during the tournament season, and increases the horse's willingness to perform. The relaxing effect is particularly noticeable in nervous horses or horses that have difficulties with being relaxed when riding.

Accurhorsemat blankets can be used anytime and anywhere, as they do not require any electricity and can simply be taken with you in the accompanying bag.

Accuhorsemat original cover made of robust nylon in the original Accohorsemat design. The acupressure mats can be fixed or removed from the ceiling using Velcro strips.

1 nylon blanket
2 acupressure mats for the shoulder or back
1 acupressure mat for the hindquarters
1 transport bag

Set Up:
The removable acupressure mats can be attached so that they are not too close to the bone, e.g. spine or hips. After laying on, check the position of the mats with your hands. For the first two treatments, you should only put the mats on without a blanket so that the horse slowly gets used to the unfamiliar pressure points. Slowly increase the duration and intensity of the treatment. After approx. 2 - 4 treatments, the pressure can be increased and the blanket can be placed on the mats. Usually the horse has got used to the acupressure blanket after 4 - 5 treatments and the blanket can be fully used. The pressure can be regulated with the adjustable shoulder and waist straps. The blanket should lie close to the horse's back so that all pressure points can be used.

If your horse has visible wounds or rashes in the areas where the acupressure mats are placed, they should only be used after they have healed completely. If your horse is under medical treatment, please clarify this with the veterinarian before use.

Please read the manufacturer's instructions before use. There it is described exactly how the blanket is put on and taken off.

Size: S (110-125), M (130-145), L (155)
Colour: blue
Blanket: 100 % Nylon
Acupressure mats: ecofriendly TPE
Blanket: Accuhorsemat Original comes with one blanket, two small acupressure mats for the shoulder or the back area, one big acupressur mat for the croup area and a bag for transportation.

How to use:
If you have decided to buy the Accuhorsemat Original, please read the instructions for correctly laying the acupressure mats including the blanket here and to follow them step by step. Because your horse can only benefit from acupressure if it is put on correctly and used correctly.

Use Accuhorsemat before training to make your horse calm, relaxed and ready for work, after training and competition for faster recovery and relaxation, or before as well as after transport. Enjoy your Accuhorsemat, affordable wellness to go, for your horse.
At the beginning, you can use the blanket for 10 or 15 minutes. Watch your horse how it reacts. If your horse likes it, you can increase the duration to 30 to 45 minutes. You will quickly find out how long your horse feels most comfortable.

The blanket (without the acupressure mats) can be machine washed, 40° C. The acupressure mats can simply be rinsed off and hang to dry. Both are not suitable for the tumble dryer.


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