Cromo Textile Blue with Velvet

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Inner Pad Shape


KEP Riding Helmet Cromo Textile Blue with Matt Blue Grid, Frame & Blue Velvet Inserts - from the wonderful KEP Italia range comes this incredibly stylish, yet subtle and elegant helmet. The helmet has a "textile" coating which is what gives it it's fantastic look. The velvet inserts add to the glamour and style of this stunning helmet. 

* External Shell: Polycarbonate

* Internal Protection: Double density polystyrene for high protection shock absorption

* Peak: Flexible to avoid fracturing during a fall

* Chinstrap: 5-point attachment for excellent positioning

* Internal Inner Pad: Cool max one-piece liner, removable, washable at 30 degrees

* KEP Air Control System: Hot air is released through the rear channels, cool air is taken in from under the peak, grill and front channels

* Sizes: 2 shell sizes, M (51-58), L (59-62)

Colour: Cromo Textile Blue with Matt Blue Grid, Frame & Blue Velvet Inserts

GRILLE The front grille has an air control system through the delicate moving up and down of the central switch. The polystyrene foam to guarantee a major protection in case of penetration of insects. The frame of the hardhat is the perfect coordination of three interconnecting parts that leave sinuous paths for a great air circulation. The high tech polystyrene is in double density foam for a better shock absorption.

AIR CONTROL SYSTEM The perfect and homogeneous air circulation keeps the head always cool and dry. Hot air generated by the head temperature speed out to outer surface and through the rear channels. The peak is flexible in order to avoid fractures during a fall.

CHIN-STRAP Five point harness fitted with the hardhat support system. The chinstrap directly inserted in the hardhat through three passing rings is completely in smooth non-allergic and washable leather. The rivets are not in contact with the skin. This has been studied to avoid skin disorders.

INNER PAD The one-piece inner padding is attached to an anatomic cushion that perfectly fits the nape ensuring optimum comfort and absolute air diffusion thanks to the high tech materials used: Coolmax® coupled with open-cells filter and smooth Sanitised treated micro-fibre. The inner pad can also be bought separately as spare-part.


1. Raise the front part and then the lateral parts of the padding stick from the helmet.

2. Detach the inner pad from the “Velcro” placed on the polystyrene foam.

3. Remove the pad. Once the pad is washed and dry, fit in again the lateral parts of the padding stick. The central part of the stick remains partly lifted so as to allow air confluence.

4. Dress again the rest of the pad inside the crown with a light pressure of the hands over the “Velcro”placed on the lateral and rear parts of the polystyrene foam.


SKU: E54153


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Size chart
KEP Velvet Helmet Blue KEP Blue Velvet Helmet


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